Wonderful Individuals and Society!

It is great to see all the wonderful work that is going on at the High School. Here I would like to share some of the amazing ideas that have been developed by the Wonderful Individuals and Societies team.

Where to start.........
They have embraced Infographics and have used these as a method for consolidating complex information onto one sheet using images, text, numbers and charts. Below are some examples from a Grade 9 unit.
They have been using Twitter for a variety of purposes - not only to share great articles that are linked to real world activities but also to simulate historical events. The Grade 9 pupils are using Twitter to simulate the social networking that surrounded the French Revolution and to draw comparisons to modern day revolutions.


They are also experimenting with different ways to collate and distribute information. Some staff are using List.ly to create lists of online resources for each topic. These lists can then be added to by pupils and other members of staff. For their case study work, some pupils, are creating Flipboard magazines, that can be shared with others to enable collaboration. Pupils can easily add any article or web resource to their magazines and read them on the move!

The department are also using Blogs, interactive Google Maps, sound and video recordings, iAuthor ........however I shall save these for the next installment!



Life with visuals


Collaboration across the Grades